Red Hat Ceph Storage Architecture and Administration

Video Classroom - web-oplæring
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Producent Red Hat
Varenummer CEPH125VC
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  • Information
    • Deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage
    • Create a Ceph Block Device client
    • Deploy the Red Hat Ceph Storage Gateway objects
    • Troubleshoot Red Hat Ceph Storage
    • Red Hat Ceph Storage operations and tuning
    • Integrate Red Hat Ceph Storage with Glance
    • Integrate Red Hat Ceph Storage with Cinder
    • Integrate Red Hat Ceph Storage with Keystone
    Red Hat Ceph Storage Architecture and Administration (CEPH125) provides an in-depth overview of the Red Hat Ceph Storage architecture and instructions on deploying Red Hat Ceph Storage, including the Ceph Storage Cluster (RADOS), the Ceph Object Gateway (RADOSGW), and the Ceph Block Device (RBD). The course also focuses on the day-to-day operation of a Ceph Storage cluster, including common troubleshooting and tuning techniques, integration of Ceph with OpenStack Glance and Cinder using Red Hat OpenStack Platform, as well as configuring Ceph with RADOSGW as a replacement for OpenStack Swift through Keystone integration.

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